Our classic heirloom quality tools riveted by hand to natural Shagbark Hickory handles creates this newest collection of “Shaggy Bark” tools from Fisher Blacksmithing. In making these tools, I have used stout twigs of the Shagbark Hickory tree (a member of the Walnut family). The combination of strength, toughness, and hardness found in Hickory is found in no other commercial wood and is why it is prized as a great material for tool handles.
These hickory handled tools are enhanced with new curves, new balance, and new handles that are approximately twenty inches long. This collection of Shagbark Hickory handled tools is designed for urban gardens, raised beds, and an improved reach across beds. Whether an early Christmas present or a little something for yourself to help bring in the harvest, our "Shaggybark" collection of tools is sure to be up to the job.
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